What is 21cmSPACE?
21cmSPACE is a closed source, actively developed, semi-numerical code written (mostly) in MATLAB that models the 21-cm signal and other high-redshift observables from before the Cosmic Dawn (z~50) to the end of Epoch of Reionization (z~6). It is a versatile tool that can be used to study the 21-cm signal affected by a wide range of astrophysical processes, including the formation and properties of the first stars and galaxies, the impact of X-ray binaries, exotic scenarios of excess radio background, and more! Due to its semi-numerical nature, each simulation takes a few hours to run, making it ideal for parameter space exploration.
Development publications
A number of papers have been published on the development of 21cmSPACE over the years. Here is a list of them:
Fialkov et al. (2012) — Impact of baryon-dark matter streaming velocity (vbc), semi-analytic prescription.
Visbal et al. (2012) — 3D simulations of the 21-cm signal from Cosmic Dawn (X-ray heating and vbc).
Fialkov et al. (2013) — Impact of Lyman-Werner feedback w/o vbc
Fialkov et al. (2014a) — Inhomogeneous Lyman-alpha coupling (the WF effect)
Fialkov et al. (2014b) — Realistic X-ray SED from high-mass X-ray binaries
Fialkov et al. (2014c) — Implementation of the excursion set formalism for reionization. Comparison between the signatures of soft and hard X-ray SEDs
Cohen et al. (2016) — Photo-heating feedback
Fialkov et al. (2017) — Miniquasars vs X-ray binaries (soft/hard SEDs). First unresolved X-ray background constraints
Cohen et al. (2017) — 21-cm parameter space exploration using global signal
Cohen et al. (2018) —21-cm parameter space exploration using power spectra
Fialkov & Barkana (2019) — Uniform excess radio background and CMB heating, astrophysical interpretation of EDGES Low-Band detection
Reis et al. (2020) — Inhomogeneous radio background from galaxies, astrophysical interpretation of EDGES Low-Band detection
Reis et al. (2021) — Lyman-alpha multiple scattering, Ly-a heating
Reis et al. (2022) — Poisson fluctuations in star-forming halos
Magg et al. (2022) — PopIII star formation and PopIII to PopII transition
Gessey-Jones et al. (2022) — PopIII stars and IMF variation, including Lyman band effects only: WF effect, LW feedback, Ly-a heating.
Gessey-Jones et al. (2023) — Cosmic ray heating model
Sikder et al. (2024) — Line of sight radio effect
Apart from the above, the code has been used in a number of other publications, using it for inference, forecasting, and more which are listed below.
Inference with 21cmSPACE
A number of papers have been published on data interpretation, inference and parameter estimation using 21cmSPACE:
Singh et al. (2017) — First results from SARAS2
Singh et al. (2018) — Reanalysis of SARAS2 data
Monsalve et al. (2019) — Analysis of EDGES High-Band
Cohen et al. (2020) — First global signal emulator (21cmGEM) created using the first large set of 21-cm models (~30,000 signals produced on Harvard's Odyssey cluster).
Mondal et al. (2020) — LOFAR constraints with an excess radio background
Bevins et al. (2021) — GLOBALEMU
Abdurashidova et al. (2022) — HERA collaboration: Early constraints from HERA using radio background models
Bye et al. (2022) — 21cmVAE - emulator based on variational autoencoder
Bevins et al. (2022a) —a Bayesian reanalysis of SARAS 2 data
Bevins et al. (2022b) —astrophysical constraints from SARAS 3 non-detections
Abdurashidova et al. (2023) — HERA collaboration: improved constraints from HERA
Where to get access?
If you would like to use the code for inference or to test the impact of stellar/galactic spectra models on the 21-cm signal, please contact Anastasia Fialkov.